Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dine's Visit to South Carolina

May 18, 2010
Stopped at Cooley Farms Strawberry Farm on the way to Keowee Key from the Charlotte Airport after having lunch at Ruby Tuesday's in Gastonia, N.C.

On Wednesday the 19th, we visited the Split Creek Farm where they have a large herd of dairy goats. There were many little people and kids (little goats) there as well as chickens, roosters, Great Pyrenees dogs that work as guards to protect the goats from coyotes and other dangers and lots of other fun things to experience. There were a lot of rescued animals from the dogs to Vietnamese pigs, cats etc.

The kids would just as soon chew your clothes as look at you so we had to be vigilant to protect our shirts and pants from their onslaught.

Love, Love, Love chickens -- especially this type!

Gulliver was very friendly. Ask Dine if he was tickling her..........

This little gal was so sweet from her head (pigtails) down to her toes......

So proud and beautiful.....
One of nine guard dogs on duty.......

The goats were trekking across the pasture as if they had somewhere to go but they would stop eventually and march back to where they had come from.

Lunch at Ooh, La Lollies amongst all the French decorations was charming in between shopping expeditions on another day.

Saturday night the 22nd, we took in the local high school's honors chorus year end concert which featured songs, costumes and choreography of the Lion King and was extremely well done and professional. The pictures are for catching the flavor of the evening - not much light so the pictures were much less professional than the production.

Couple days left..............................Too short a visit!!!

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